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Our Social Commitment
You should know that one of our main goals is to contribute our sand grain to build a better society; because of that we have created our FOUNDATION BOND*, this is product of each one operations that you allow us to manage, these bonds will be destined to foundations in charge of ensuring the well-being of childhood in conditions of poverty or neglect and / or foundations dedicated to rescue animals in conditions of abandonment or abuse.
* Conditions and restrictions apply

For a dignified and happy

No to animal abuse and neglect

Join us in this great work!
Contact us
For all kinds of quotes, comments and concerns; please contact us or fill out the form below:

Harold David Osorio
General Manager
Kra. 72K # 40-50 South
Bogota Colombia.
Calle 44 #68-78 Of. 401
Medellín, Colombia.

Phone: +57 601 6470248
Cell . +57 322 7449428
Phone: +57 604 5502714
International Subsidiaries
Av. Apoquindo 4501, Floor 10
Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.
Phone: +56 2 23389344 // Voip: 56 11344
Mobile: +56 9 62379220
BBVA Building, Av. Leandro N. Alem 815
3th Floor C1001AAD - Bs.As, Argentina.
Phone: +54 11 5556 6200
Mobile: +54 11 5556 6123
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